The Configuratron

High-level dataset and experiment descriptions

Why do I need this?

Configuration files are perhaps where the advantages of DN3 are most apparent. Ostensibly, integrating multiple datasets to train a single process is as simple as loading files of each dataset from disk to be fed into a common deep learning training loop. The reality however, is rarely that simple. DN3 uses YAML formatted configuration files to streamline this process, and better organize the integration of many datasets.

Different file formats/extensions, sampling frequencies, directory structures make for annoying boilerplate with minor variations. Here (among other possible uses) a consistent configuration framework helps to automatically handle the variations across datatsets, for ease of integration down the road. If the dataset follows (or can be made to follow) the relatively generic directory structure of session instances nested in a single directory for each unique person, simply provided the top-level of this directory structure, a DN3 Dataset can be rapidly constructed, with easily adjustable configuration options.

Alternatively, if your dataset is all lumped into one folder, but follows a naming convention where the subject’s name and the session id are embedded in a consistent naming format, e.g. My-Data-S01-R0.edf and My-Data-S02-R1.edf, two consistently formatted strings with two subjects (S01 and S02) and two runs (R0 and R1 - note that either subjects or runs could also have been the same string and remained valid). In this case, you can use a (very pythonic) formatter to organize the data hierarchically: filename_format: “My-Data-{subject}-{session}”

A Little More Specific

Say we were evaluating a neural network architecture with some of our own data. We are happy with how it is currently working, but want to now evaluate it against a public dataset to compare with other work. Most of the time, this means writing a decent bit of code to load this new dataset. Instead, DN3 proposes that it should be as simple as:

  toplevel: /path/to/the/files

As far as the real configuration aspect, perhaps this dataset has a unique time window for its trials? Is the dataset organized using filenames like the above “My-Data” example rather than directories? In that case:

  toplevel: /path/to/the/files
  filename_format: "My-Data-{subject}-{session}"
  tmin: -0.1
  tlen: 1.5

Want to bandpass filter this data between 0.1Hz and 40Hz before use?

  toplevel: /path/to/the/files
  filename_format: "My-Data-{subject}-{session}"
  tmin: -0.1
  tlen: 1.5
  hpf: 0.1
  lpf: 40

Hopefully this illustrates the advantage of organized datasets and configuration files, no boilerplate needed, you’ll get nicely prepared and consistent dataset abstractions (see Datasets). Not only this, but it allows for people to share their configurations, for better reproducibility.

A Full Concrete Example

It takes a little more to make this a DN3 configuration, as we need to specify the existence of an experiment. Don’t panic, it’s as simple as adding an empty Configuratron to the yaml file that makes your configuration. Consider the contents of ‘my_config.yml’:


    name: "Awesome data"
    tmin: -0.5
    tlen: 1.5
      - eeg
      - emg

     toplevel: /path/to/the/files
     tmin: -0.1
     tlen: 1.5
     bandpass: [0.1, 40]

  layers: 2
  activation: 'relu'
  dropout: 0.1

The important entry here is Configuratron, that confirms this is an entry-point for the configuratron, and datasets that lists the datasets we could use. The latter can either be named entries like the above, or a list of unnamed entries.

Now, on the python side of things:

from import ExperimentConfig

experiment = ExperimentConfig("my_config.yml")
for ds_name, ds_config in experiment.datasets():
    dataset = ds_config.auto_construct_dataset()
    # Do some awesome things

The dataset variable above is now a DN3 Dataset, which now readily supports loading trials for training or separation according to people and/or sessions. Both the in_house_dataset and public_dataset will be available.

That’s great, but what’s up with that ‘architecture’ entry?

There isn’t anything special to this, aside from providing a convenient location to add additional configuration values that one might need for a set of experiments. These fields will now be populated in the experiment variable above. So now, experiment.architecture is an object, with member variables populated from the yaml file.

MOAR! I’m a power user

One of the really cool (my Mom says so) aspects of the configuratron is the addition of !include directives. Aside from the top level of the file, you can include other files that can be readily reinterpreted as YAML, as supported by the pyyaml-include project. This means one could specify all the available datasets in one file called datasets.yml and include the complete listing for each configuration, say config_shallow.yml and config_deep.yml by saying datasets: !include datasets.yml. Or you could include JSON architecture configurations (potentially backed by your favourite cloud-based hyperparameter tracking module).

More directives might be added to the configuratron in the future, and we warmly welcome any suggestions/implementations others may come up with.

Further, that Configuratron entry above also allows for a variety of experiment-level options, which allows for common sets of channels, automatic adjustments of sampling frequencies and more. The trick is you need to keep reading.

Complete listing of configuratron (experiment level) options

Optional entries

use_only (list)

A convenience option, whose purpose is to filter from datasets only the names in this list. This allows for inclusion of a large dataset file, and referencing certain named datasets. In this case, the names are the yaml key referencing the configuration.

deep1010 (bool)

This will normalize and map all configuratron generated datasets using the MappingDeep1010 transform. This is on by default.

samples (int)

Providing samples will enforce a global (common) length across all datasets (probably want to use this in conjunction with the sfreq option below).

sfreq (float)

Enforce a global sampling frequency, down or upsampling loaded sessions if necessary. If a session cannot be downsampled without aliasing (it violates the nyquist criterion), a warning message will be printed, and the session will be skipped.

preload (bool)

Whether to preload recordings for all datasets. *This is overridden by individual preload options for dataset configurations.

trial_ids (bool)

Whether to return an id (long tensor) for which trial within each recording each data sequence returned by the constructed dataset.

Complete listing of dataset configuration fields

Required entries

toplevel (required, directory)

Specifies the toplevel directory of the dataset.

Special entries

filename_format (str)

The special entry will assume that after scanning for all the correct type of file, the subject and session (or in DN3-speak, the Thinker and Recording) name can be parsed from the filepath. This should be a python-format-style string with two required substrings: {subject} and {session} that form a template for parsing subject and session ids from the path. Note, the file extension should not be included, and fixed length can be specified by trailing :N for length N, e.g. {subject:2} for specifically 2 characters devoted to subject ID.

The next few entries are superseded by the Configuratron entry samples, which defines a global number of samples parameter. If this is not the case, one of the following two is required.

tlen (required, float)

The length of time to use for each retrieved datapoint. If epoched trials (see EpochTorchRecording) are required, tmin must also be specified.

samples (required-ish, float)

As an alternative to tlen, for when you want to align datasets with pretty similar sampling frequencies, you can specify samples. If used, tlen is ignored (and not needed) and is inferred from the number of samples desired.

Optional entries

tmin (float)

If specified, epochs the recordings into trials at each event (can be modified by events config below) onset with respect to tmin. So if tmin is negative, happens before the event marker, positive is after, and 0 is at the onset.

baseline (list, None)

This option will only be used with epoched data (tmin is specified). This is simply propagated to the Epoch’s constructor as is. Where None can be specified using a tilde character: ~, as in baseline: [~, ~] to use all data for basline subtraction. Unlike the default constructor, here by default, no baseline correction is performed.

events (list, map/dict)

This can be formatted in one of three ways:

  1. Unspecified - all events parsed by find_events(), falling-back to events_from_annotations()

  2. A list of event numbers that filter the set found from the above.

  3. A list of events (keys) and then labels (values) for those events, which filters as above, e.g.:

      T1: 5
      T2: 6

    The values should be integer codes, if both sides are numeric, this is used to map stim channel events to new values, otherwise (if the keys are strings), the annotations are searched.

In all cases, the codes from the stim channel or annotations will not in fact correspond to the subsequent labels loaded. This is because the labels don’t necessarily fit a minimal spanning set starting with 0. In other words, if I had say, 4 labels, they are not guaranteed to be 0, 1, 2 and 3 as is needed for loss functions downstream.

The latter two configuration options above do however provide some control over this, with the order of the listed events corresponding to the index of the used label. e.g. left_hand and right_hand above have class labels 0 and 1 respectively.

If the reasoning for the above is not clear, not to worry. Just know you can’t assume that annotated event 1 is label 1. Instead use EpochTorchRecording.get_mapping() to resolve labels to the original annotations or event codes.

annotation_format (str)

In some cases, annotations may be provided as separate (commonly edf) files. This string should specify how to match the annotation file, optionally using the subject and session ids. This uses standard unix-style pattern matching, augmented with the ability to specify the subject with {subject(:…)} and the session with {session(:…)} as is used by filename_format. So one could use a pattern like: “Data--{subject}-annotation”. **Note, now by default, any file matching the annotation pattern is also excluded from being loaded as raw data.*

targets (int)

The number of targets to classify if there are events. This is inferred otherwise.

chunk_duration (float)

If specified, rather than using event offsets, create events every chunk_duration seconds, and then still use tlen and tmin with respect to these events. This works with annotated recordings, and not recordings that rely on `stim` channels.

picks (list)

This option can take two forms:

By default, will select only eeg and meg channels (if meg, will try to automatically resolve as described here)

exclude_channels (list)

This is similar to the above, except it is a list of nix pattern match exclusions. Which means it can be the channel names (that you want to exclude) themselves, or use wildards such as “FT” or, “F[!39]”. The first excludes all channels beginning with FT, the second, excludes all channels beginning with F except F3 and F9.

rename_channels (dict)

Using this option, key’s are the new name, and values are nix-style pattern matching strings for the old channel names. *Warning if an old channel matches to multiple new ones, new channel used is selected arbitrarily. Renaming is performed before exclusion.

decimate (bool)

Only works with epoch data, must be > 0, default 1. Amount to decimate trials.

name (string)

A more human-readable name for the dataset. This should be used to describe the dataset itself, not one of (potentially) many different configurations of said dataset (which might all share this parameter).

preload (bool)

Whether to preload the recordings from this dataset. This overrides the experiment level preload option. Note that not all data formats support preload: False, but most do.

hpf (float)

This entry (and the very similar lpf option) provide an option to highpass filter the raw data before anything else. It also supercedes any `preload`ing options, as the data needs to be loaded to perform this. It is specified in Hz.

lpf (float)

This entry (and the very similar hpf option) provide an option to lowpass filter the raw data before anything else. It also supercedes any `preload`ing options, as the data needs to be loaded to perform this. It is specified in Hz.

extensions (list)

The file extensions to seek out when searching for sessions in the dataset. These should include the ‘.’, as in ‘.edf’ . This can include extensions not handled by auto_construction. A handler must then be provided using DatasetConfig.add_extension_handler()

stride (int)

Only for RawTorchRecording. The number of samples to slide forward for the next section of raw data. Defaults to 1, which means that each sample in the recording (aside from the last sample_length - 1) is used as the beginning of a retrieved section.

drop_bad (bool)

Whether to ignore any events annotated as bad. Defaults to False

data_max (float, bool)

The maximum value taken by any recording in the dataset. Providing a float will assume this value, setting this to True instead automatically determines this value when loading data. These are required for a fully-specified use of the Deep1010 mapping.

CAUTION: this can be extremely slow. If specified, the value will be printed and should probably be explicitly added to the configuration subsequently.

data_min (float, bool)

The minimum value taken by any recording in the dataset. Providing a float will assume this value, setting this to True instead automatically determines this value when loading data. These are required for a fully-specified use of the Deep1010 mapping.

CAUTION: this can be extremely slow. If specified, the value will be printed and should probably be explicitly added to the configuration subsequently.

dataset_id (int)

This allows datasets to be given specific ids. By default, none are provided. If set to an int, this dataset will have this integer `dataset_id.

exclude_people (list)

List of people (identified by the name of their respective directories) to be ignored. Supports Unix-style pattern matching within quotations (*, ?, [seq], [!seq]).

exclude_sessions (list)

List of sessions (files) to be ignored when performing automatic constructions. Supports Unix-style pattern matching within quotations (*, ?, [seq], [!seq]).

exclude (map/dict)

This is a more extensively formatted version of exclude_people and exclude_sessions from above. Here, people, sessions and timespans (specified in seconds) can be excluded using a hierarchical representation. The easiest way to understand this is by example. Consider:

  - Person01
  Person02: ~
    Session01: ~
      - [0, 0.5]
      - [0, 0.5]
      - [100, 120]

The above says that Person01 and Person02 should both be completely ignored. Session01 from Person03 should be similarly ignored (with any other Person03 session left available). Finally for Person04 the data between 0 and 0.5 seconds of Session01 in addition to both the times between 0 and 0.5 and 100 and 120 seconds from Session02 should be ignored. If

In summary, it allows more fine-grained exclusion without pattern matching, and can be used in conjunction with the other exclusion options. For those familiar with MNE’s bads system, it is not used here, this allows for config files to be shared rather than annotated copies of the original data. Further, this allows for easier by-hand editing.

Experimental/Risky Options

load_onthefly (bool)

This overrides any preload values (for the dataset or experiment) and minimizes memory overhead from recordings at the cost of compute time and increased disk I/O. This is only really helpful if you have a dataset so large that mne’s Raw instances start to fill your memory (this is not impossible, so if you are running out of memory, try switching on this option). Currently this does not work with epoched data.